Indigenous Family Support
Center for Indigenous Midwifery wants to strengthen Indigenous families and help them connect with their ancestral ways.
We do this by offering workshops, Zoomcasts, and programs that hold space for families as they grow, change, and thrive.
We honor families as they are—whatever their make-up, and create programs that are focused on honoring ancestral wisdom and that reclaim culturally-rooted midwifery care.
We currently offer virtual Childbirth Preparation Workshops, and in-person Childbirth Education Retreats for Indigenous families that are held throughout the state of Washington.
Zoom Gatherings for Indigenous Pregnant & Parenting Families are available every Wednesday at Noon, PST, with informational presentations each week that span the full spectrum of preganacy and parenting topics.
All discussions are welcome, and new programs are always in the works...
We hope to see you soon.
Photos: Mariana Harvey (Yakama) is pictured with her partner, Itsa Shash (Mexica/Apache) and their child. Find their Zoomcast, Episode 5 "One Family's Birth and Parenting Journey" here.
Dr. Jus Crea Giammarino ND (Penobscot) is pictured with her two children. Find her Zoomcast Episode 4 "Born Into Grandmother's Arms: Stories of Indigenous Birth and Family Life" here.